The news comes in an tweet from Nintendo UK.

As the name suggests, this extra content for Cadence of Hyrule is all about the game’s villain, Octavo. You’ll play as the purple baddie and take on the game’s toughest challenges and enemies, trusty Golden Lute by your side.

It’s not just a strict dungeon run either. Octavo’s Ode tells the story behind why Octavo came to Hyrule and felt the need to try and conquer it.

We thoroughly enjoyed Cadence of Hyrule’s clever blending of Zelda themes and tunes with Crypt of the Necrodancer’s unique gameplay. Getting even more of it — and for free, at that — is certainly not a bad thing.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Cadence of Hyrule and Zelda news as it gets composed.

Get Your Groove On Again with Cadence of Hyrule s Free DLC - 13