In 1975, when Sharon Marshall was only six years of age, her stepfather and future spouse Franklin Floyd grabbed her.

Without realizing that Suzanne Sevakis was her genuine name, she died in 1990.

To keep “Sharon” under his influence for a long time to come, Franklin had likewise seized her sisters.

In the Netflix narrative Girl In The Picture, Alison and Amy are recognized as Suzanne’s sisters. Sandra Chipman, an unbelievable companion of Franklin Delano, was their mom.

Young lady In The Picture: What Happened To Suzanne Marie Sevakis Sisters Alison And Amy? Alison and Amy’s stepfather, Franklin, left them in a youngsters’ home when Suzanne’s mom was set in a kids’ home in the wake of getting a 30-day prison sentence for introducing a fake check.

In the wake of carrying out a jail punishment for marking a “terrible check,” Sandi was stunned to find Franklin had stole her kids and got away. By then, things turned appalling.

Tragically, Franklin continued to affect Suzanne, dealing with her like his little girl and giving her the new name of Sharon Marshall.

Sharon and Floyd moved to New Orleans in 1989, where Floyd had them legitimately announced wedded and accepted the names Clarence Hughes and Tonya.

The personality of their brother Phillip, who was absent until he approached in 2019, was in the long run laid out by a DNA test.

Suzanne Marie Sevakis Sisters Alison And Amy: Where Are They Now? As per Sandi in the Netflix unique, “I promptly went to the police headquarters and told them (officials Brandon/Franklin) had snatched my youngsters.

She professed to have tracked down her little girls Allison and Amy in a nearby kids’ grand slam by a congregation.

Amy and Allison appear to be grown-ups now. Along with their mom, her third spouse, and other half-kin, they are presently living in Virginia.

It is said that the two ladies, who are both in their mid 50s, have sizable, adoring groups of their own.

— Junsara さら (@jun80jun) July 7, 2022

Suzanne Marie Sevakis Parents and Family On September 6, 1969, in Livonia, Michigan, Suzanne Marie Sevakis was born to Sandi Chipman and Clifford “Precipice” Ray Sevakis.

Sandi brought forth Phillip, Amy, and Allison during her second union with Dennis Brandenburg (presently 51 years of age).

Notwithstanding being half-kin, they were close. So even friendly administrations concluded they couldn’t separate them when Sandi ran into issues.

Afterward, their mom marry Franklin, who was really Brandon Williams at that point. Sandi would give her kids over to the framework when she was vexed.