In a video recently released by Lazy Game Reviews (which you can watch in the header above), host Clint Basinger shows us exactly how to fuse outdated technology with modern technology to create something unique and dare I say new(?). 

To get things started, you’ll first need an Android phone. Basinger uses a Samsung Galaxy Note 8, but presumably, any Android phone will do the trick. You’ll also need a USB Type-A to USB Type-C converter, a USB-enabled floppy disk drive (you can find a selection here), and, of course, some floppy disks. 

Get all that together and you’ll be playing some of your favorite retro games on your expensive handheld screen in no time.

I joke, but honestly, it’s pretty cool – especially if you’re someone who grew up in the floppy era on classics like Commander Keen, Castle Wolfenstein, and Zork. 

It’s most certainly a novelty that will be a small flash in the pan, but for those of us who sometimes wax nostalgic about those blocky little squares, it’s a nifty combination of eras that reminds us these influential technologies won’t simply be swept under the rug.