Technically, you can fast-travel as early as the first mission, but it’s only back to the Belfry, and doing so ends the night and your patrol (this stays the same for the entire game in regards to the Belfry). You won’t unlock the ability to teleport around Gotham City to other locations until completing Mission 2.1, where you get a message from Lucius Fox, gaining access to his side mission in Otisburg.

But once you do, go to the Foxteca building in Otisburg, New Gotham, and speak to Lucius. After a short cutscene where he reveals a mechanized glider, talk to him again, and he’ll tell you that before you can use it to get around, you’ll need to scan and reprogram GCPD drones around Gotham City. He’ll mark the first location on your map. 

Gotham Knights Fast Travel Explained

Fast travel points appear on the map as GPS location icons, and there are eight in all. Before you unlock them, they’re white; they turn green once you’ve scanned the drones flying around them and Lucius has worked his magic.

Your task is to reach each location and find the drone(s) flying around the area. Get close to them, open your AR device, and scan them. Doing so allows Lucius to override them and unlock the fast travel point.

As you progress, you’ll encounter shielded drones, which can only be scanned after they’ve dropped their shields, and they only drop their shields once they’ve landed at docks spread across rooftops within the vicinity of the fast travel icon. You can use your AR pulse to see the drones and docks through buildings and other structures. 

Unscanned drones have orange outlines. Scanned drones have white outlines. Docks have white outlines.

Once you’ve unlocked two or more fast travel locations, you can open your map, interact with one icon anywhere on the map, a cycle through all locations, keeping you from scrolling to each individual icon on the map. It’s worth unlocking this mechanic before going after all of the collectibles since it makes traversal much easier. 

It’s worth noting that where you scan drones isn’t necessarily the exact position of the final fast travel location. For example, scanning drones in Otisburg actually opens a jump spot in the Bowery. There are no fast travel locations in The Cauldron or Robinson Park.

Drone and Fast Travel Locations

The Financial District

The first scanning location and GCPD drone you’ll encounter is in the Financial District, just southwest of the Belfry on Barr Avenue. There is one unshielded drone here. Scan it to gain access to the system and open up the next location in Southside. The fast travel beacon appears just to the northwest.


The second scanning location is in Southside, just south of Cobblepot Steel and northeast of Star Labs. Here, you’ll encounter your first shielded drone. Wait for it to land, and scan it. Doing so unlocks all of the other scanning locations on the map.  

Old Gotham

The third scanning location is in Old Gotham, north of City Hall across Grand Avenue. There are two drones here: one shielded and one unshielded. The fast travel beacon is essentially in the same spot.  

Tricorner Island

This scanning area has two unshielded drones flying around the Armory on Arsenal Street. They will glide out to Dumas Avenue and Sprang Street, as well. The jump point will be on the Robert Kane Memorial Bridge west of Sprang Street.


The scanning area for this one is in extreme southeast Otisburg, near the St. Aloysius Church Landmark. There are three unshielded drones flying around the tower, low, medium, and high. The fast travel point can be found in the Bowery, on Park Row, just southwest of the Monarch Theater.

West End

The sixth scanning area has two shielded drones and one unshielded drone flying around the area just north of the Gotham Gazette, in the area between Bohler and Croydon Avenues. The jump point will appear on the building on the north side of Croydon Ave.  

Gotham Heights

The seventh scanning location has two shielded drones and can be found in the apartment block where Dryfold Avenues turns south into Mason Street in southwest Gotham Heights. The jump point appears at the Martha Wayne Art Gallery just northwest.


The final scanning area has three shielded drones flying around Beacon Street and Mercey Avenue, in the same block as the LeBlanc Funeral Home. They cover the whole area and have multiple docking stations. The fast travel beacon appears south of this block, across Mercey Street at the entrance to the Robbins Bridge.

With fast travel unlocked, getting from district to district for missions and hunting collectibles is much easier than it would be with just the grapple hook or batcycle. For more, head over to our Gotham Knights guide page.